Ten Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

2016 Nissan Leaf charging port. Photo courtesy of Nissan. 

A growing number of drivers don’t like how dependent modern

society is on gasoline. The fact is that gasoline use comes with many

drawbacks. The prices can be volatile, meaning another gas crises could pop up

at just about any time. Gasoline also produces quite a bit of air pollution

when it’s burned, which in turn triggers a number of other problems that affect

everyone. There is also the issue that oil is often obtained from areas of the

world where there is much political and social strife, which is why some people

want to utilize energy sources that are closer to home.

There are quite a few alternative fuels in existence today.

10. Hydrogen. Despite the concerns about flammability that

some have brought up, using hydrogen to power a car is actually safer than

using gasoline, which is a highly volatile liquid. Hydrogen can power two types

of vehicles: fuel cell cars and those that use a combustion engine that runs on

hydrogen instead of gasoline. Some hydrogen vehicles are available to consumers

right now, but they are restricted to markets like California.

9. Electricity. You likely have heard about electric

vehicles like the Tesla Model S. Instead of using combustion to propel the car

forward, the powertrain draws energy from a battery or an array of batteries.

Electric motors come with many advantages, including full torque delivery from

a standstill and quiet operation, which would also cut down on noise pollution

in cities.

8. Hybrid powertrains. There is a large variety of cars on

the market today that use both gasoline and electricity. Some run off gasoline

engines and electric motors, while others use a gasoline generator to power the

electric motor (like the Chevrolet Volt). The advantage of hybrid cars is that

the allow drivers to go longer distances than most other setups, without having

to stop for fuel.

7. Biodiesel. Diesel-powered vehicles are catching on at an

increasing rate in the United States. They can be fueled by traditional diesel,

or by a variety that is brewed using cooking oil and grease. Creating such a

fuel mixture takes some expertise, but with the right training a car owner can

become a pro before too long, making it possible to refuel in your own garage.

6. Liquefied natural gas. In areas like the United States,

natural gas is actually plentiful. Even though it is a fossil fuel, it doesn’t

produce as much pollution as burning oil or coal. Liquefying the gas takes

cooling it to the point it changes state, which also helps it produce more

energy when it is burned. It is currently used to power large industrial


5. Ethanol. Corn is in high supply inside the United States,

which has led to the creation of “corn fuel” or ethanol. Crops are

used to create a type of alcohol that isn’t fit for human consumption but that

can power a vehicle. Some other countries create ethanol using other plant

substances, like in Brazil where sugar cane is in high supply.

4. Compressed natural gas. You have likely seen vehicles on

the road with a CNG sticker on them, indicating the car runs on this

alternative fuel. It literally uses the same fuel as your water heater and

maybe even your stove at home. CNG stations pressurize the gas so that it

doesn’t take up as much space. This alternative fuel is significantly cheaper

than gasoline or diesel, but in some areas there are few fueling stations.

3. Liquefied petroleum gas. This fuel is used for camping

stoves and even by some caterers as a way to keep large quantities of food

warm. By keeping it under extreme pressure, the gas stays a liquid and contains

more energy per square millimeter. The fuel isn’t common in North America, but

it is available in northern Europe as well as some parts of Asia.

2. Liquid nitrogen. Nitrogen is a common substance, making

it a good candidate for a future source of fuel. It doesn’t pollute nearly as

much as fossil fuels. The fuel flows into an engine where it is heated up, and

the resulting energy from the expansion turns mechanical parts like turbines to

propel the car forward.

1. Compressed air. It might sound bizarre, but a vehicle can

be powered by compressed air. High-pressure tubes store the air. The air is

released into the engine, which converts the air’s expansion into energy that

moves the pistons. There are electric motors in the car that work to compress

the air.

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Ten Alternative Fuels for Vehicles

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