A week of white: Blizzard of 2013

Everyone in New England knows the drill when the weather forecast calls for heavy snow- expect the exact opposite. I do not know if its because we have pretty poor meteorologists or if the weather really is that challenging to predict here in New England, but the accuracy rate of predicted storms is usually about 20%. Once again, this predicted Blizzard seemed to be a dud on Friday morning. No flakes showing and we had numerous jobs to get finished; including a road call to downtown Boston to repair a good clients flat tyre on her Range Rover Sport, drop off some parts, and grab some necessities before the snow started falling. After finishing 5 hours worth of running around, we finally started to see snow flakes come 3pm or so Friday. They wanted to call this a blizzard? 

(calm before the Blizzard Nemo at 3:30pm)

And Then the Flakes Really Started Falling:

By about 6pm my girlfriend T had disappeared. After wandering around the house I thought she might be in the shop up to something sneaky. Sure enough, I was right… Little to my knowledge her friends had come up and decided to have a gossip drinking session in the shop during the snowstorm. 

 (3 ladies + couple bottles of Hibiki Scotch= trouble)

In order to make sure things stayed under control and because I was bored I decided I would wash Zero (my 01 BMW M5) while I had some down time…

(nothing better than hot water bathe during a blizzard)

After drying the M5, it became apparent that this storm was legit, as the winds were picking up towards 70+ mph and complete whiteout conditions. We shut down the shop and headed in to relax for the evening. The next morning proved the meteorologists correct, we had over 27+ inches of snow on the ground and a long day of snow removal ahead of us. ..

(welcome to today’s workout, move 27 inches of snow out of your 300+ yard driveway)

(guess work might be delayed a few days)

(open for travel after 7 hours of snow removal)

All in all, Blizzard Nemo (or Blizzard of 2013) packed a serious punch. We were lucky to escape with no electrical, structural, or physical damage. And besides a couple tickets to some clients who decided to “practice” their oversteer skills in empty parking lots, all our clients came out unscathed. We even had some unexpected visitors the next morning, when the local black bear paid a visit. With such a heavy impact on all of the New England region, business was pretty much on hiatus for this week. Then again, nothing stays quiet for long around here…

(evidence of a friendly neighbor Bear looking for food)

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A week of white: Blizzard of 2013

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